Census of Louisiana
[and alternate spellings as found
on census records and family notes
including notes on some affiliated families]
[NOTE: This is a working census outline and thus, subject to change~
any corrections, submissions, and/or dialog would be
greatly appreciated.]
No entries found
Opelousas General Census
May, 1796
1 male under 15
1 male over 15
1 female under 15
1 female over 15
No entries found.
1805 City Directory of New Orleans
60 Rue St. Pierre
Orleans Parish, New Orleans
P. A. ANGERON [unable to read the enumerations]
[ Pierre Andre ANGERON/mis- indexed as D. A. ANGERON
City Directory of New Orleans
Marchand de fer et chaudroneire
Ironmonger and brazier
5 Royale
Orleans Parish
Pierre Andre ENGERRAN
Died 1814
Will inventoried 1814
Will book 2, page 124
Lafourche Parish
Page 13
Males: 4-3-1-1-0-1-1-0-1-1-0
Females: 8-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
East Baton Rouge Parish, New Orleans
Widow ANGERAN aged 26-45, with one male under 10 and one male 10 to 16, 2 females under 10, one female 10-16, one female 16 to 26.
[widow of Pierre Andre ENGERON/ANGERAN, nee Marie Rose NICE]
Double Entry; Also transcribed:
Orleans Parish, New Orleans
Page #50, 126 Burgundy Street
Widow ANGERAU, aged 25-44
1 male under 10
1 male 10-15
2 females under 10
1 female 10-15
1 female 18-25
[widow of Pierre Andre ENGERON/ANGERAN, nee Marie Rose NICE]
Lafourche Parish
Males: 0-1-1-2-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0
Females: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0
Terrebonne Parish
Page 5:
Pierre ENGERAN, aged 40-50
15 slaves
Page 6:
Aaron KING
Terrebonne Parish
Page 1:
Pierre ANGERAN, aged 40-50
1 male 5-10
1 female 30-40
2 females under 5
2 females 5-10
1 female 10-15
[Pierre Urbain ANGERAN son of Pierre Andre & Marie Rose (Nice) ENGERON/AUGERON/first spouse Marie Armelise ARCENEAUX]
Page 8:
E. ENGERAN, aged 20-30
1 male under 5
1 female 15-20
[Eugene ENGERON, son of Pierre Andre & Marie Rose (Nice) ENGERON/AUGERON/spouse: Heloise Claire Aimee FANGUY]
Lafourche Parish
Page 7:
Chas AGERONS, aged 30-40
1 female 30-40
1 female 15 -20
2 females 5-10
1 feamle under 5
[followed by:
John V. GUIDRY, 30-40 with family
Wm. KNIGHT, 60-70, one female 60-70]
Lafourche Parish
Charles AUGERON [indexed AUGESON], 46,
Eugenie, 40
Adille, 18
Eugenie, 16
Martiale, 14
Mary, 6
Margaret, 3
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Reine Eugenie BENOIT]
Rosamond OGERON [ingexed OGESON], 38
Proseline, 28
Adams, 6
Louis, 2
Theodore, 6 months
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Roseline LOUPE]
Martial OGERON [indexed OGESON], 45
Mary, 40,
Azima, 17
Adile, 15
Adilina, 13
Emelina, 11
Emilia, 9
Raphael, 3
Olivien, 6 months
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Marie Doralise TOUPS]
Leander OGERON [indexed OGENN], 29
Josephine, 26
Louisa, 12
Mary, 7
Emily, 3
Widow Louis OGERON, 60
Joachim, 17
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Josephine LOUPE]
John B. OGERON [indexed OGENN], 50
Celestine, 45
Adolphe, 20
Louisa, 19
Francois, 15
Justilien, 13
Julienne, 12
Selina, 11
Jouvani, 22 [male]
[J. Baptiste, son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Celestine LANDRY]
Alexander OGERON [indexed OGENN], 34
Mary, 30
Victorine, 23
Polite, 20
Charles, 18
John, 15
Alexander, 13
Jules, 12
Manuel, 11
Margaret, 2
[Alexander Hypolite ORGERON, son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres)
AUGERON, spouse: nee Marie Arthemise RAMIREZ]
Terrebonne Parish
Eugene ENGERRAN, 31, Assessor
Emee, 19
Theophile, 6
Alice, 4
Angelique, 2
Theobald, 1
[son of Pierre Andre & Marie Rose (Nice) ENGERON/AUGERAN; spouse: Heloise Claire Eloise FANGUY]
Fausse Pointe, St. Martin Parish
Edmond, 15 (ORGERON)
Louis, 13 (ORGERON)
Louisa, 10 (ORGERON)
Clerille/Serville, 4 (ORGERON)
next door:
Surville BOUGHEVALD, 70, Planter
Cecile, 57
Desire, 27 (male)
Alphonse, 17
Aglae, 15 (female)
(**Cedalise = Marie Sedalia BUCHWALD-ORGERON,
born 1812, St. James Parish,
living beside her parents and siblings;
widow of Pierre ORGERON,
who died before September 1846.
Leaving his widow to raise the following children:
Paul ORGERON, b. 1833,
Edmond Berthold ORGERON, b. 1834,
Louis Martial ORGERON, b. 1836,
Virginie Neomie ORGERON, b.
Louisa ORGERON, b. 1840,
Clerille or Serville ORGERON, b. 1846)
[NOTE : also found 1850 in Fausse Pointe see LAPEYROUSE]

Lafourche Parish
P. U. [misindexed as W.] ENGERAN, aged 54, wife Marie, aged 55, son Alphred, aged 15, daughter Ema, aged 13, and Mrs. Pantine CHOLE, aged 54.
[Pierre Urbain ENGERAN/AUGERAN, son of Pierre Andre & Marie Rose (Nice) AUGERAN; 2nd spouse Marie DAIGLE]
Mrs. Louis ORGERON, 83, born France.
[Louise Cecile (de la Mazzieres) AUGERON]
Next door:
Leondre ORGERON, aged 42, wife
Josephine, aged 38, daughter Marie, aged 16, daughter Emelie, aged 12,
daughter Olenda, aged 18, daughter Malvina, aged 5, also Joseph THOMASSI, aged 24, with wife Louisa THOMASSI, aged 20, and daughter Josephine THOMASSI, aged 2.
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Josephine LOUPE]
3 doors down:
Rosemont/Rosemond ORGERON, aged
40, wife Roseline, aged 36, son A. Seraphin, aged 15, L. Joessain, aged
12, son C. Oleus, aged 10, daughter M. Aglomee, aged 8, son Leo, aged
6, daughter Evelanda, aged 4, and daughter E. Celima, aged 2.
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Roseline LOUPE]
Adolphe ORGERON, aged 29, wife Aimee, aged 27, son Adolphe, aged 7, and son Ovil, aged 9 months.
[son of Baptiste & Celestine (Landry) ORGERON; spouse Aimee TOUPS]
Next door:
Baptiste ORGERON, aged 61, wife Celestine, aged 49, son Justillien, aged 20.
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Celestine LANDRY]
Next door:
P. Martial ORGERON, aged 45,
wife Marie, aged 48, daughter Emelia, aged 17, son Raphael, aged 12,
son Samzesso [Cergenese], age 10, daughter Olinda, aged 7, and daughter
Odila, aged 4.
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Marie Doralise TOUPS]
3 doors down:
Mrs. Polite ORGERON, aged 51, son John Louis, aged 18, son Alexander, aged 13, son Adam MIRONNE, aged 14, Marie MERONNE, aged 6 and Francois ORGERON, aged 22.
[Mrs. Alexander Hypolite ORGERON, he son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON, nee Marie Arthemise RAMIREZ]
Charles ORGERON, aged 57, wife Eugenia, aged 54, son Martial, aged 18, daughter Marie, aged 15, daughter Margueritte, aged 13.
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON; spouse Reine Eugenie BENOIT]
Hypolite ORGERON, aged 26, wife, Zulima, aged 23, daughter Margueritte, aged 3.
[son of A. Hypolite & Marie Arthemise (Ramirez) ORGERON; spouse Zuelema GUEDRY]
Charles ORGERON, aged 22, wife Evilina, aged 17, also Heloise SAVOIRE, aged 37 and Ulalie SAVOIRE, aged 12.
[son of A. Hypolite & Marie Arthemise (Ramirez) ORGERON; spouse Evaline LANDRY]
Terrebonne Parish
Eugene ENGERAN, aged 48, wife
Claire, aged 38, son Theophile, aged 18, son Alcee, aged 16, daughter
Angelique, aged 12, son Theobalde, age 9, son Clodomir, aged 7,
daughter Celestine, aged 5, daughter Elise, aged 2.
[son of Pierre Andre & Marie Rose (Nice) ENGERON/AUGERAN; spouse: Heloise Claire Eloise FANGUY]
East Baton Rouge Parish
Jesse TOMLINSON, 38, M. Z. 30, Henry, 7, Harriet ANGERON, 19, Elizabeth ANGERON, 14, Archie TOMLINSON, 14.
Lafourche parish
Peter ANGERONS, aged 56, wife
Mary, aged 59, daughter Adelia, aged 13, son Lingert [Cergenese], aged
20, Laura, aged 17, wife of Lingert and their daughter Matilda, aged 3
[Pierre Martial and Marie Doralise (Loup) AUGERON, son of Louis &
Louise Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON/ORGERON/spouse of Lingert
Cergenese: Laura GUIDROZ]
One house prior:
Adolphus ANGERONS, aged 22, and wife ?Arvese, aged 18.
[probably Auguste, son of Pierre Marital & Marie Doralise (Loupe) AUGERON/spouse cited as Louisa GUIDROZ]
One house prior:
Adolphe ANGERONS, aged 40, with
wife Anna, aged 33, son Adolphe, aged 15, son Gustavian, aged 10, son
Francis, aged 7, daughter Mary [or May] R., aged 5, and daughter
Leontine, aged 3.
[son of Jean Baptiste & Celestine (Landry) ANGERON/ORGERON; spouse Aimee TOUPS]
[children are Adolphe, Oville Justilian, Oville Francois, and Mary Rose]
2 houses prior:
Francois ANGERONS, aged 35, with wife Selestine, aged 23, and son John A., aged 10 months.
[son of Jean Baptiste & Celestine (Landry) ANGERON/ORGERON; spouse Celestine Zelide BERNARD]
Rosamond [indexed as Rosanna] ANGERONS,
aged 49, with wife Rosalene, aged 42, son Oleus, aged 18, daughter
Algona, aged 17, son Leon, aged 14, daughter Velida, aged 12, daughter
Selma, aged 10, son Antoine, aged 6, daughter Odelia, aged 3.
[son of Louis & Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON/ORGERON; spouse Rosalene LOUPE]
3 doors down:
Leon ANGERONS, aged 57, wife Josephine, aged 46, daughter Linda, aged 18, daughter Malvena, aged 14, and daughter Dorcina, aged 10.
[Leandre Dolinor ANGERON son of Louis & Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON/ORGERON; spouse Josephine LOUPE]
2 doors down:
Anatole ANGERONS, aged 6 [male], living in household of Fellia LANDRE, [female] aged 50.
Charles ANGERONS, aged 36, with wife Evelina, aged 26, son Aledor, aged 9, son John, aged 4, and daughter Dauphine, aged 2.
[Charles Severin, son of Hypolite & Marie Arthemise (Ramirez) AUGERON/ORGERON. Spouse: Eveline LANDRY]
Polite ANGERONS, aged 38, wife
Zola, aged 26, daughter Margeurite, aged 13, daughter Josephine, aged
11, son Lewis, aged 2, and ?Armond, aged 6 months.
[Hypolite, son of Hypolite & Marie Arthemise (Ramirez) AUGERON/ORGERON; spouse Zuelema GUEDRY]
P. W. ENGESON, aged 62, wife Mary, aged 63, son Alfred, aged 25, daughter in law, Adelia, aged 21, and grandson Charles, aged 1.
[Pierre Urbain and wife Marie (Daigle) ENGERON/AUGERAN/son of Pierre
Andre AUGERON/spouse of (Charles) Alfred ENGERON: Odilla BREAUX]
Chs. ANGERONS, aged 70, wife Eugenie, aged 68 and son Marcel, aged 27.
[son of Louis & Louise Cecile (de la Masieres) ANGERON/ORGERON; spouse Reine Eugenie BENOIT]
St. Landry Parish
3rd Ward
Jno B. OGERON, aged 51, wife Susan, aged 47, son Joseph, aged 11, daughter Elvina, aged 9.
[Prior house: Leon GUILLORY, 57, wife Eliza, 55 and son Phillip, 21]
[Following house: Geo. W. KIMBALL, 36. Wife Odile, 29, ch: Cecelia, 14, Daniel, 11, Thomas, 7, Charles, 5]
[By 1880 Jno B. ORGERON is not enumerated, but Susan is now married to Leon GUILLORY, still living in St. Landry Parish, his son Phillip is living with them, as is Jos. OGERON, 22, as are John, 19, Millie, 15, Thomas, 13, and Elisha, 10-all using surname GUILLORY, even Joseph. Only Joseph has OGERON noted, so unsure if other children were by Mr. GUILLORY or Jno. B. ORGERON.]
[One Jean Baptiste ENGERRAN married Hortense Alexia CHAISSON
Aug. 9, 1875 at Houma , Terrebone parish, La., and he died in 1880. She
was the dau of Hypolite Francois Romain & Mathilde (Bergeron) CHIASSON this was her second marriage, and her sister Margeurite married Joseph ROSS in Houma. Jean Baptiste cited as “brother of Theophile ENGERON” (who married Celeste Heloise LeCOMPTE), and thus another son of Eugene & Heloise Aimee (Fanguy) ENGERON/ANGERAN]
[also see KING family for CHAISSON family connection]
[The 1840 Census indicated both Eugene and his brother Pierre Urbain ENGERON
have a male child in the household, neither of which I find any
documentation of identities. Jean Baptiste would have been born abt.
1819, and Louis would have been born 1836.]
[Also note in the 1820 Census of St. Landry Parish, on page 108, household # 38 is Jean Baptiste CHAISSON, and household # 31 is Francisco OGRAGNE,
aged 26-45 with 2 slaves, next door in #32 the first name is not
legible, but it appears to be the same surname with 2 males under 10
and 1 female aged 16-26-I find No index entry for either Francisco or
the neighboring household, not even by first name.]
[The other male child noted in 1840 is probably the Louis OGERON enumerated in St. Landry Parish in 1880 census, born prior to 1840.]
[Jean Baptiste and Louis may have been children of Francisco, and thus nephews raised by uncle Eugene ENGERON]
St. Mary parish
Ward 5
Louis OUGEREON, aged 35, born Louisiana, with wife Mary, aged 16, also born Louisiana]
[Son of Pierre & Marie Sedalia (Buchwald) ORGERON/spouse Maugeurite Mary Emma DUPLANITS**]
[**Death records indicate confusion of identity of the mother(s) of his children , Louis Martial ORGERON appears to have been married three times, in the following order:
1. Margeurite DuPLANTIS
3. Mary VINING]
Terrebonne parish
Eugene ANGERAN, aged 60, wife
?Emaranta, aged 49, son Gustave [Theophile], aged 27, son Augustine
[Angelique], aged 22, son John [Theobald], aged 18, daughter Julia
[Celestine Aimee], aged 14, daughter Ellen [Elise], aged 12, son
William, aged 9.
[Eugene, son of Pierre Andre & Mary Rose (Nice)
AUGERAN/ENGERON/spouse Emaranta unknown; first spouse was Heloise
Claire Aimee FANGUY]
Next door:
Alsey/Alcee ANGERAN, aged 25,
with wife ?Laura, aged 23, daughter Mary, aged 6, son Adam [Charles
Octave], aged 5, and son Alecade [Jospeh Philogene], aged 2.
[son of Eugene & Heloise Aimee (Fanguy) AUGERON/ANGERAN; spouse listed as Desire Elizabeth EYNARD]
Lafourche parish
2nd Ward
Alfred ENGERSON, aged 35, wife Odilia, aged 32, son Charles A., aged 11, son Louis U., aged 8, son Albert P., aged 6, daughter Lucille, aged 1.
[son of Pierre Urbain & Marie (Daigle) ENGERON/AUGERAN; spouse Marie Odilla BREAUX]
4th Ward
Rosamond ANGERON, 50, with wife Rosalene, aged 56, daughter Delia, aged 13, daughter Natalie, 10, and son Antoine, aged 19
[son of Louis & Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON/ORGERON; spouse Rosalene LOUPE]
Luinder ANGERON, 60 with wife Josephine, aged 60.
[Leandre Dolinor ANGERON son of Louis & Cecile (de la Mazieres) AUGERON/ORGERON; spouse Josephine LOUPE]
Lee ANGERON, 23 and Josephine, aged 17.
[Leo, son of Rosamond & Rosalene (Loupe) ORGERON/spouse: Josephine ALLEMAN]
Polite OGERON, 90, listed Planter, misindexed as female, with daughter Mary MAYRONNE.
[Alexander Hypolite AUGERON, son of Louis & Marie Louise Cecile (de la Masiere) AUGERON/spouse was Marie Arthemise RAMERIZ]
6 houses prior:
Raphael OGERON, 32, wife Elese,
aged 28, daughter Eve, aged 10, son Adam, aged 8, daughter Notelia,
aged 6, son Emile, aged 5, daughter Amelia, aged 3, son Camile, aged 1.
[son of Pierre Martial & Marie Doralise (Loupe) ORGERON; spouse Alzire Marie Alise HEBERT]
Next door:
‘Mother’ OGERON,
aged 83, widowed, with daughter Olinda aged 21, grandson Frank, aged 7,
grand daughter Mary, aged 4 and grandson Peter, aged 14.
[Age may be off, appears to be Marie Doralise (Loupe) ORGERON, widow of Pierre Martial ORGERON who died in 1879]
Adolph OGERON, aged 28, wife Marceline, aged 22, daughter Ernestine, aged 7, son Ernest, aged 5, son Alfred or Wilfred, aged 4 months.
[son of Adolph & Aimee/Emily (Toups) ORGERON; spouse Marceline PLAISANCE]
Adolph OGERON, aged 53, Emily,
aged 30, daughter Mary, aged 16, daughter Leontine, aged 13, son
Orvile, 20, and son Wilfred, aged 18 [the later two living next door.]
[son of Jean Baptiste & Celestine (Landry (ANGERON/ORGERON; spouse Aimee TOUPS]
Next door:
Seraphin ONGERON aged 36, wife
Elmira, aged 27, daughter Lavenia, aged 11, son Seraphin, aged 9, son
Onizim, aged 4, son Anthony, aged 2, and son Josin aged 4 months.
[son of Rosamond & Marie Rosalie (Loupe) ORGERON; spouse Marie Elmire CANTRELL]
2 doors down:
Francois ONGERON, aged 45, wife Silistine, aged 28, son Gustilian, aged 5, daughter Eve, aged 2.
[son of Jean Baptiste & Celestine (Landry) ANGERON/ORGERON; spouse Celestine Zelide BERNARD]
Next door:
Silistian ONGERON, aged 69, listed as mother.
[Celestine (Landry) ORGERON/ONGERON]
Charles OGERON, aged 42, wife
Everline, aged 23, daughter Ezidore, aged 19, son John, aged 13,
daughter Josephine, aged 12, daughter Oderestine, age 7, daughter
Ozeph, age 4, and son Bernard, age 3 months.
[Charles Severin, son of Hypolite & Marie Arthemise (Ramirez) AUGERON/ORGERON. Spouse: Eveline LANDRY]
Samhurd/Lingert (Cernegese) OGERON,
aged 28, wife Laura, aged 25, daughter Mathilla, aged 12,
daughter Selima, aged 10, daughter Leticia, aged 8, daughter Amelia,
aged 6, daughter Elmira, aged 4, and son Richard under 1 year.
[son of Pierre Martial and Marie Doralise (Loup) AUGERON, see
1870 enumeration, listed as Lingert with wife Laura and daughter
Mathilde, all living with Peter [Pierre Martial] and Mary Doralise
9th Ward
Alexander AUGERON, aged 40 or 43, with wife Mathilde/Madeline, aged 30, son Joseph, aged 7, son Justin, aged 5 and daughter Rosa, aged 3 months
[son of Alexander Hypolite & Marie Arthemise (Ramirez) AUGERON; spouse Madeline BOURGEOIS]
[Joeseph "Joe" AUGERON, b.
1872, died 1922, Houston, TX, son of Alex and Marie (BOURGEOIS)
[Emily D. THERIOT, b. 1882, d. 1968 Pt. Arthur, TX., dau of Alexander & Madeline (BOURGEOIS) ORGERON]
10th Ward
Hy ORGERON, aged 42, wife Eugenie, aged 38.
[son of Alexander Hypolite & Marie Arthemise (Ramirez)
AUGERON’ spouse was Zuelma GUEDRY, OR this is a second wife, name
Thibodaux, 2nd Ward
P. U. ENGERON, aged 75, with daughter D. J. LOMBARD, 31, and grand daughter Marie LOMBARD, aged 7.
[Pierre Urbain ENGERON/AUGERON, son of Pierre Andre & Marie Rose (Nice) AUGERON/ENGERON]
[2 doors down is O. DANTIN, aged 50, with sons Aubin, 28, Charles, 22, and Edward, 15, and daughters Elemere, 17, and Aimee, 23.]
[1870 see Aubin DANTIN/DAUTIN living in Lafourche, within household of
Thomas & Cecelia ALBERTI & family-see Irene ALBERTI living with
aunt Alice R. HUNT, 1910 Lafourche]
St. Mary Parish
6th Ward
Louis OGERON, aged 44, wife
Mary, aged 25, son Anatole, aged 9, daughter Evelina, aged 6, daughter
Mary, aged 5, son Marshall, aged 3, daughter Louisa, aged 5 months, and
uncle Jas. TOMLINSON, aged 54.
[Son of Pierre & Marie Sedalia (Buchwald) ORGERON/spouse Margeurite “Mary” Ema DUPLANITS**]
[Pierre died before Sept. 1846, leaving widow Marie Sedalia with children:
Paul, b. 1833,
Edmond Bertold, b. 1834,
Louis Martial, b. 1836,
Virginie Neomie, b.
Louisa, b. 1840,
Clerille/Serville, b. 1846.]
[TOMLINSON family see East Baton Rouge, LA, 1860 &1870]
[Death reocerds name mother of Charles. Edward amd Mary OGERON was Mary VINING, not DuPLANTIS or AUTHEMENT]
[Mary OGERON, born 1874, dau of Louis & Mary (VINING) OGERON, died 1950, Port Arthur, TX, Mrs. Mary C. WALLACE]
[**Death records indicate confusion of identity of the mother(s) of his children , Louis Martial ORGERON appears to have been married three times, in the following order:
1. Margeurite DuPLANTIS
3. Mary VINING]
Terrebonne parish
1st Ward
Joe ANGERAN, aged 55, wife
Julia, aged 52, son John, aged 17, son James, aged 15, son Robert, aged
12, daughter Alice, aged 19, and daughter Celestine, aged 27.
[probably son of Pierre Urbain ANGERAN/ENGERON]
11th Ward
Eugene ENGERON, aged 62, wife Eugenie, aged 55, daughter Elvira, aged 20, daughter Irania, aged 18, and son Davis, aged 16.
[Eugene ENGERON, son of Pierre Andre & Marie Rose (Nice) ENGERON/AUGERAN/spouse: Eugenie unknown]
Next door:
Theophile ENGERON, aged 40, wife Celest, aged 30, daughter Alice, aged 7, and son Eugene, aged 5.
[Son of Eugene & Heloise (Fanguy) AUGERON/ENGERON; spouse Celeste Heloise LECOMPTE]
Next door:
Baldo Alex ENGERON, aged 30, wife Cynthia, aged 20, daughter Mary, aged 4, son Theobald, aged 3.
[This seems to be Paul Theobald Alex ENGERON/AUGERAN, son of Eugene
& Heloise (Fanguy) AUGERON/ENGERON; spouse listed as Marie
Elizabeth PELLEGRIN]
East Baton Rouge Parish
Mary Z. E. TOMLINSON, 59, nephew Albert GARVIN, 16, Lurlene GARVIN, 20, ans sister Leilia ANGERAN, 43, widowed
[Mary Z. E. TOMLINSON, b. 1841 West Baton Rouge, died 1933 East Baton Rouge, father ENGERON, mother LEBLANC]
Lafourche Parish
4th Ward
Justilien OGERON, aged 26, wife Mary, aged 21, son Albert, aged 4, son Abel, aged 2, daughter Albertine, aged 9 months.
[This is Joachim “Justilien” ORGERON, son of Theodore Olesu
“Oliver” & Adele (Badaux) ORGERON/ spouse: Marie
Edgar ORGERON, aged 39. widowed, and son, Emile, aged 6.
[son of Paul & Celina (Guidry) ORGERON/spouse: was Louise Magnolia BARRILLEAUX]
Next door:
Celina [misindexed as Chine] ORGERON, aged 61, widowed, and daughter Margaret ORGERON, aged 30.
[widow of Paul ORGERON, son of Pierre & Marie Sedalia (Buchwald) ORGERON; nee Celina GUIDRY]
One house down:
Louis ORGERON, aged 30, wife Julia, aged 32, and son Polite, aged 4.
[son of Paul & Celina (Guedry) ORGERON/apouse: Julia GRIFFIN]
Oliver ORGERON, aged 46, wife
Adel, aged 45, son Leon, aged 21, daughter Bernadet, aged 19, son
Louis, aged 16, son Albert, 12, daughter Selina, aged 10, daughter
Bertha, aged 8, daughter Melodia, aged 6, daughter Rita, aged 4.
[This is Theodore Oleus ORGERON, son of Rosemond & Rosalene (Loupe) ORGERON/spouse Adele BADAUX.]
Bertha ORGERON, aged 11, listed as granddaughter, living in household of John and and Adel BAUDEAU.
[evidently daughter of Oliver & Adel (Badaux) ORGERON]
Mary ORGERON, aged 24, single, boarding with Louis and Sarah BAUDEAU.
[evidently daughter of Oliver & Adel (Badaux) ORGERON]
Leor ORGERON, aged 44, wife
Josephine, aged 40, daughter Julia, aged 17, daughter Rosalie, aged 15,
son Leopole, aged 9, son Pierre, aged 7, daughter Maglia, aged 5,
daughter Azler, aged 3.
[Leo ORGERON, son of Rosamond & Rosaline (Loupe) ORGERON/ spouse: Josephine ALLEMAN.]
Camelia ORGERON, aged 39,
widowed, daughter Avelia, aged 17, son Adam, aged 13, daughter Eva,
aged 9, daughter Marie, aged 5, son Adolph, aged 2, and sister Leontine
ORGERON, aged 33, single.
[widow of Oville/Orville who was a son of Adolph and Aimee (Toups/Loupe) ORGERON/ nee Camelia Marie GUIDRY]
Andrew ORGERON, aged 37, wife Ellen, aged 36, son (Joseph) Horace, aged 14, son Victor, aged 11, son Harry, aged 9, and son Noull, aged 6.
[Andre ORGERON, son of Hypolite & Zuelma (Geudry) ORGERON/spouse Helene GRIFFIN]
Anton ORGERON, aged 39, wife
Alzina, aged 35, daughter Bernadet, aged 17, son Edgar, aged 15,
daughter Asdelia, aged 11, daughter Leontine, aged 9, daughter Edna,
aged 7, son Elson, aged 4, son Camille, aged 2.
[son of Rosamond & Josephine (Loupe) ORGERON/spouse: Azelian ARCENEAUX]
Saraphin [misindexed as Sarah] ORGERON, aged 30, with wife Cecilla, aged 26, daughter Bella, aged 5, daughter Ella, aged 4, and daughter Cecilia, aged 2.
[son of Adam Seraphin & Elmire (Cantrelle) ORGERON/spouse: Cecilia GAUTREAUX]
Joseph ORGERON, 22, with wife Josephine, aged 21, son Joseph, aged 2 and son ?Amole, aged 1.
[son of Theodore Oleus “Oliver” & Adeke BADAUX/spouse Josephine LOUPE]
9th Ward
Seraphin AUGERON, 57, Elneir, 51, Onezipe, 23, Antoine, 22, Joachim, 19, Joseph, 18, Ophelia, 17, Eleda, 13, Clesdia, 13, Edna, 8 and Albert, 6.
10th Ward
Justillien ENGERON, aged 39,
with wife Amanda, aged 35, daughter Justilia, aged 16, daughter Amanda,
aged 9, son Justillien, aged 7, son Albert, aged 4, and son Julien,
aged 2.
[Oville Justilien, son of Pierre Justilien & Zeolide (Landry) ORGERON/spouse: Amanda BOUVIER]
Davis ENJERON, 37, wife Edelima, 32, sons Edward, 11, Davis J., aged 9, daughter4s Melanie, 7, Armantine, aged 4 and Amelia aged 3.
St Mary Parish
Morgan district
Bardon ANGERON, aged 40,
widowed, with son Joseph, aged 22, daughter in law Miluere, aged 18,
daughter Alexina, aged 15, son Alfred, aged 12, and son Milfort, aged
[evidently this is Paul Theobald Alex ENGERON/AUGERAN, son of Eugene
& Heloise (Fanguy) AUGERON/ENGERON; apouse listed as Marie
Elizabeth PELLEGRIN]
Camille JANTI, aged 39 and wife Mary, aged 47,
Anetol ANGERON, aged 28, Charles ANGERON, aged 16, Edward ANGERON, aged 14, Alice ANGERON, aged 12, all listed as step children.
[children and widow of Louis Martial (son of Pierre & Marie Dedalie
[Buchwald] Orgeron) & Margeurite “Mary” Ema (Duplantis)
OGERON, he aged 44, she aged 25 in 1880 census of St. Mary Parish,
Morgan District]
next door:
Celina JANTI, 65, widowed, Henry VINING, 14, grandson.
[Death reocerds name mother of Charles. Edward amd Mary OGERON was Mary VINING, not DuPLANTIS or AUTHEMENT]
4th Ward
Octave ANGERON, aged 47,
with wife Josephine, aged 41, son Thomas aged 21, daughter Elizabeth
aged 18, daughter Alice aged 15, daughter Ida, aged 12, son Wilson,
aged 10, son Alphonse, aged 8, daughter ?Anella, aged 6, son Oscar,
aged 4 and daughter Florence, aged 2.
[possibly Clodomir, son of Eugene & Heloise Claire (Fanguy) ANGERON-see1860 listings]
5th Ward
Mary ORGERON, aged 44, widow, with sons Joseph, 25, Gus, 22, daughter Emily, 16, sons Octrave, 15 , and Wilfred, aged 9.
Terrebonne Parish
4th Ward
Serville [indexed Sewelle] ORGERON, aged 29, wife Julienne, aged 23, and son Ece, aged 2.
[son of Louis Marshall/Martial & Mary Emma (DuPlantis***) ORGERON;
apparently grandson of Pierre Urbain & Marie (Buchwald) ORGERON,
she being daughter of Serville & Cecile (Demonchet)
BOUGEVALDE/BUCHWALD/spouse: Constance Julienne HENRY]
[death record cites mother of Serville ORGERON was Emma AUTHEMENT not DuPLANTIS,
possibly a first wife of Louis Martial ORGERON or confused record keeping]
6th Ward
Theodore ANGERAN, 25 with wife Regina, aged 17, living in household of Gustave MARIE, father of Regina.
[In 1910 he is called Theophile, this is Theophile, Jr. ANGERON]
[son of Theophile & Celeste Heloise (LeCompte) ENGERON/spouse
Regina Emedie MARIE, daughter of Gustave J. & Mary Catherine
(Garibotte) MARIE -Mary Catherine went by the alias of ENGERRAN]
7th Ward
Theophile ANGERON, aged 56, widowed, with son Alfred, aged 11 and daughter Justilia, aged 15.
[son of Eugene & Heloise (Fanguy) ANGERON]
Eugene ENGERAN, aged 25, wife ?Birdye, aged 23, son Harry, aged 3 and daughter Annie, aged 11 months.
[son of Theophile & Celeste (LeCompte) AUGERON/ENGERAN]
Acadia Parish
Eva ORGERON, aged 35, brother Felix, aged 28, brother Camile, aged 25, and brother Edmond, aged 23 [all males barbers and own shop].
[children of Louis Raphael & Alzire Marie Alise (Hebert) ORGERON]
[NOTE: This group of ORGERON may be related to Eloise A. KING who m1. Mr. ORGERON, m2. Edwin ROSS, m3. Philip KOCH.-see Charles Jospeh ROSS, born 1883 at Crowley, Acadia, LA, son of William & Caroline Marie (Gaspard) ROSS, this William ROSS is uncle of Edwin ROSS, second husband of Eloise A. KING.]
[NOTE: Most of this group is in Texas by 1920, Eva to Beaumont,
Jefferson county with sister Notelia, niece Augusta and brother Adam,
widowed; Camile to Port Arthur, Jefferson county, with wife Stella, and
a son Eugene and daughter Marjorie; also in Port Arthur, is found
Celestine ANGERRAN, female,
aged 60; By 1930 Eva is not listed in Beaumont, but older brother Emile
and his family are there; Camile is still in Port Arthur with family]
East Baton Rouge Parish
Mary Z. TOMLINSON, 69, Louis W. SINCLAIR, 23 and wife Sally T., 23, both born Tennessee and sister Lielia M. AUGERON, 51, widow.
Iberia Parish
New Iberia
Emile ORGERON, aged 24, wife
?Sharis, aged 35, daughter May, aged 6, daughter Rose, aged 5, son
Albert, aged ?4, son Oliver, aged under 1 year.
Lafourche Parish
3rd Ward
Arthur ORGERON, aged 24, wife Emily, aged 21, son Arthur, Jr., aged 4, daughter Inez, aged under 1 year.
[Arthur Paul Fortune, son of ???/spouse: Augustine Elizabeth SEVIN]
4th Ward
?Wilfred ORGERON, aged ?63,
wife ?Esi, aged ?64, son Edward, 23, son Eugene, aged 17, ?Charles,
aged 14, son [?Chaisson], aged ?13, son Augustine, aged ??, son
Justillien, aged ??, three daughters, but unable to read names or ages
[?Josephine, Effie & Beulah?].
Wilfred ORGERON, aged 48, wife
Cordelia, aged 51, son Wilfred, Jr., aged 28, son Leon, aged 26, son
Justilien, aged 20, son George, aged 16, daughter Cordelia, aged 23,
daughter Evaline, aged 18, daughter Sidonia, aged 14, daughter Robilla,
aged 8.
[Wilfred Achille ORGERON/son of Adolph & Aimee/Emily (Toups) ORGERON/spouse: Cordelia Marie ADAM]
Adolph ORGERON, aged 58, wife
Marceline, aged 51, son Joseph, aged 17, son Sylvestre, aged, 15,
daughter Elmira, aged 19, daughter Edmire, aged 18, daughter Sylvesia,
aged 15, daughter Lynda, aged 11.
[son of Adolph & Aimee/Emily (Toups) ORGERON; spouse Marceline PLAISANCE]
2 doors down:
Oleus ORGERON, aged 55, wife
Adele, aged 47, son Louis, aged 24, son Albert, aged 23, daughter
Thelma, aged 22, daughter Melodia, aged 16, daughter Rita, aged 14, and
grandson Arnell, aged 12.
[Theodore Oleus “Oliver” & Adele (Badaux) ORGERON son
of Rosemont & Rosaline (Loupe) ORGERON/spouse: Adele BADEAUX]
Next door:
Joseph ORGERON, aged 29, wife Mary, aged 25, son, Joseph, Jr., aged 14, son Esner, aged 12, son Norman, aged 2, daughter Maggie, aged 6.
[Louis Joseph, son of Theodore Oleus “Oliver” & Adeke BADAUX/spouse Josephine Marie LOUPE]
Andrew ORGERON, aged 42, wife Ellen, aged 38, son [Joseph] Horace, aged
16, son Voris, aged 15, son Herry, aged 12, son Percy, aged 9, daughter
Nora, aged 8 and daughter Norma, aged 8 [twins], and daughter Elvie,
under 1 year.
[Andre ORGERON, son of Hypolite & Zuelma (Geudry) ORGERON/spouse Helene GRIFFIN]
Antoine/Anton ORGERON, aged 46, wife Zeleda, aged 45, son Velsoir, aged 15, son Camille, aged 11, daughter ?Alzora, aged 9.
[son of Rosamond & Josephine (Loupe) ORGERON/spouse: Azelian ARCENEAUX]
Next door:
Edgar ORGERON, aged 25, wife,
Martalia, aged 25, son ?Ederis, aged 4, son ?Edward, aged 11, daughter
Bertha, aged 7, daughter Heloise, aged 3 and daughter Ella, aged 4
[son of Anton & Azelian ARCENEAUX/spouse: Martalia SANDRAS]
Edgar ORGERON, aged 38, wife Clementine, aged 36, son Emile, aged 16, son Soli, aged 4, son Eugene, aged 2, son Vital, aged 1.
[son of Paul & Celina (Guidry) ORGERON/first spouse was: Louise Magnolia BARRILLEAUX/2nd spouse: Clementine RICHOUX]
Ernest ORGERON, aged 33, wife
Eliza, aged 26, son Roosevelt, aged 8, son Snare, aged 3, daughter
Celina, aged 11, daughter Thelma, aged 5, and Urma, aged 8 months.
[Jean Ernest, son of Adolphe & Marceline (Plaisance) ORGERON/spouse: Elisa GAUTREAUX]
Joachim [misindexed as Jorden] ORGERON,
aged 35, wife Mary, aged 36, son Albert, aged 15, son Abel, aged 12,
son Arne, aged 5, son Alces, aged 7, son Alcide, aged 1, daughter
Agathe, aged 2, daughter, Albertine, aged 8.
[son of Seraphin & Elmire (Cantrelle) ORGERON/spouse: Lilia Madeline SAVOIE]
Leo ORGERON, aged 50, wife Josephine, aged 42, daughter Julie, aged 25, daughter Auzema, aged 11, daughter Ernestine, aged 6.
[Leo ORGERON, son of Rosamond & Rosaline (Loupe) ORGERON/ spouse: Josephine ALLEMAN.]
Louis ORGERON, aged 40,
widowed, with son Polite, aged 13, son Louis, aged 5, also with sister
Margueritte, and mother Zuelema, [ages not given].
[son of Paul & Celina (Guedry) ORGERON/apouse was Julia GRIFFIN]
Melson ORGERON, aged 9, male, living with grandparents Bienvenue and Marceline TOUPS.
Justellien ORGERON, aged 37, wife Sisla, aged 31, son Percy, aged 5, son Severin, aged 1 year and 6 months.
[Justellien Paul, son of Francois Balli & Celestine (Bernard) ORGERON/spouse: Cesla Marie HYMEL]
2 doors down:
Camelia ORGERON, aged 49, widowed, son Adolph, aged 11, and daughter Maria, aged 15.
[widow of Oville/Orville who was a son of Adolph and Aimee (Toups/Loupe) ORGERON/ nee Camelia Marie GUIDRY]
Cecillia ORGERON, aged 11, servant in BARRIOS household.
[probably daughter of Seraphin & Cecilia (Gautreaux) ORGERON]
Donate ORGERON, aged 38, wife
Zorammie, aged 36, son Felix, aged 7, son Charles, aged 2, son Tobby,
aged 1, daughter Maria, aged 6, daughter Armize, aged 4, and mother
Emelina, aged 67, widowed.
[next door to BARRIOS family]
[Louis Donat, son of Charles Severin & Eveline (Landry)
ORGERON/spouse: Zoemie
Pierre ORGERON, aged 18, wife Celestine, aged 18.
[son of Leo & Josephine (Alleman) ORGERON/spouse Celestine Angellenton SEVIN]
Next door:
Odeo ORGERON, aged 30, wife,
Ella, aged 28, son ?Kindos, aged 8, son Harris, aged 4, son
Ernest, aged 3, and daughter ?Ozlalinda, aged 12.
[Francois Odeo ORGERON, son of Theodore Oleus “Oliver” ORGERON/ spouse: Ella RICHARD]
7th Ward
Oliver ENGERAN/ENGERON, aged 26, with wife Ida, aged 24, son Oliver, Jr., aged 1 year and 5 months, and son Richard, aged 2 months.
9th Ward
Leon ANGERON, 28, wife Eugenie, aged 24 and daughter Eugenie, aged 2, all living in household of father in law Andre MAILLE.
[Leon Jean ORGERON, son of Theodore Oleus “Oliver” ORGERON/spouse: Eugenie MAYET]
Onizim OGERON, aged 30,
wife Mary, aged 28, daughter Margaret, aged ?8, daughter Aggie, aged 6,
daughter ?Abbe, aged 4, daughter Matilda, aged 2, son ?Thomas, under 1
[son of Seraphin & Emile (Cantrell) ORGERON/Spouse was Marie CHAISSON]
Next door:
Anthony OGERON, aged 30, wife, Pauline, aged 33, son William, aged 7, daughter Almere aged 4, son Wilson aged 2, daughter Rose, under 1 year.
[This is Antoine OGERON, son of Seraphin & Elmire (Cantrell) ORGERON; spouse Pauline HARTMAN]
Next door:
Seraphin OGERON, aged 69, wife Elmire, aged 58, daughter ?Claudia, aged 31, daughter Edna, aged 19, son Albert, aged 18.
[son of Rosamond & Marie Rosalie (Loupe) ORGERON; spouse Marie Elmire CANTRELL]
Mrs. OGERON, aged 45, widowed,
son Joseph, aged 22, son Leon, aged 20, son ?Philibert, aged 18,
daughter Helen, aged 16, son ?Morris, aged 14, daughter Eve, aged 9.
Wilfred OGERON, aged 30, wife Gautheau, aged 26, son Roussell, aged 5, son Wilson, aged 2, son ?Sadny, 11 months.
[Adolphe Wilfrite, son of Jean Bpte. Adolphe & Marceline (Plaisance) ORGERON/spouse: Melina GAUTRAUX]
10th Ward
Delia ORGERON, aged 56, single, servant in household of Roman DELGRANDIER.
Joseph ORGERON, aged 23, wife Rosala, aged 22, son Juan, aged 3, and aunt Eva WILLIAM, aged 17.
[Eugene Joseph, son of Francois Balli & Celestine (Benard) ORGERON/spouse: Pauline Rosella WILLIAMS]
Adam ORGERON, aged 30, wife
Marcey, aged 24, son Lenace, aged 4, son Ludwick, aged 11 months, son
Leo, aged 1 month, with nephew Frank GRIFFIN, aged 17, and step mother
Celestine BERNARD, aged 68.
[Adam Joseph, son of Francois Balli ORGERON/spouse: Mercess “Mercy” CHERAMIE]
Orleans Parish
First Ward
St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum-Magazine St.
Bernice OGERON [misindexed OGEROL], inmate, aged 20, widowed, having had one child, still living..
[no others, child or adult, in Asylum by OGERON, but one child named James KING, aged 1 is aslo an inmate]
St. Mary Parish
8th Ward
Baldeau ANGERON, 59 widowed,
with son Alfred, aged 21, daughter in law, Eva, aged 19 and grand
daughter Lorena, aged 2 [see 1900 entry for Bardon ANGERON]
[ Paul Theobald Alex ENGERON/AUGERAN, son of Eugene & Heloise
(Fanguy) AUGERON/ENGERON; apouse listed as Marie Elizabeth PELLEGRIN]
Next door:
*Joseph ANGERON, aged 32, with wife Amelia, aged 26, daughter Grace, aged 5 and daughter Lyndall, aged 3.
[son of Baldeau/Paul Theobald Alex & Marie Elizabeth (Pellegrin) ANGERON/spouse: Amelia VINING ]
2 doors down:
Milford ANGERON, aged 19, with wife Augusta, aged 19, newly married.
[son of Baldeau/Paul Theobald Alex & Marie Elizabeth (Pellegrin) ANGERON/spouse: ]
*Joseph ANGERON, 28, wife Amelia, aged 26, daughter Grace, aged 5 and daughter Lenda, aged 2.
[Evidently Joseph & Amelia moved during the census taking and
were enumerated twice-see above entry of Joseph ANGERON, aged 32]
Camille JANTEAU., 49, Mary
57, Anateau/Anatol OGERON, aged 38, and brother Edward OGERON, 24, both listed sons in the household of
[sons and widow of Louis Martial & “Mary” (Duplantis) OGERON, 1880 at St. Mary Parish, Morgan District.]
Charles OGERON, 26, Rose (nee DUAY), 21, Fadra, 1, Ardice, 4 months, and sister in law, Stella DUAY, aged 14.
[Death reocerds name mother of Charles. Edward amd Mary OGERON was Mary VINING, not DuPLANTIS or AUTHEMENT]
Gustav OGERON, aged 34, wife Louise, aged 27, son Lawrence, aged 6, and Bernard, aged 4.
[Justin/Gustav, son of Alexandre Felicien & Madeline (Bourgeois) ORGERON/spouse: ]
Next door:
Octave OGERON aged 23, wife Viola, aged 20, daughter Floria, aged 1 year and 2 months, and brother Wilfred OGERON, aged 22.
[Wilfred Joseph and Octave, sons of Alexandre Felicien & Madeline (Bourgeois) ORGERON/spouse: ]
Charles OGERON, aged 26, wife Rose, aged 21, daughter Fadra, aged 1 year and 8 months, daughter Ardice, aged 4 months, also Stella DUAY, aged 14, single, listed sister in law.
[son of Louis Martial & “Mary” (Duplantis) OGERON, 1880 at St. Mary Parish, Morgan District]
Morgan district
Joseph ANGERAN, aged 43 with
wife Philemon, aged 39, son Gillis, aged 20, son Sylvestr, aged 18,
daughter Philemon, aged 15, daughter Flossy, aged 12, daughter
Beatrice, age 10, son Howard, aged 8, daughter Eunice, aged 5, daughter
Margaret, aged 1.
[This is Joseph Philogene AUGERON, son of Jean Alcee & Elizabeth (Eymard) AUGERON/spouse Marie Philomene LIRETTE]
St. Tammany Parish
Clovis ORGERON, aged 30, wife
Agnes, aged 26, son Ishmael, aged 5, daughter Alina, aged 4, son
Authur, aged 2, daughter Augusta, aged 4 months, and Anna LeBLANC, aged 30, sister in law.
[son of Raphael & Alzire (Hebert) ORGERON; spouse Anges LeBLANC]
Terrebonne Parish
2nd Ward
Joe ORGERON, aged 36, wife Enola, aged 23, son Dalton, aged 8, son Emile, aged 6, son Clarence, aged 3, daughter Lottie, aged 1.
[By 1920 Joe & Ezola & children are living in Houston, TX; by
1930 Joe is dead and Enola, Dalton and Octavia are all living with
Clarence and his wife and family; also a Margaret ANGERAN, aged 21 is in training at St. Joseph Infirmary]
[Joseph Emil, son of Raphael & Alzire (Hebert) ORGERON; spouse Enola BERNARD]
4th Ward
Deserie ANGERON aged 63 widowed, listed as mother in law, living in house hold of ?Eldrie and Agnes CHAUVIN, both aged 21.
[widow of Alcey Jean ENGERON-she Desire Elizabeth nee EYMARD]
2 doors prior:
Serville ORGERON/ANGERON aged 39 with wife Julian C. aged 33, and son Essie, aged 12.
[son of Louis Marshall/Martial & Emma (DuPlantis) ORGERON;
apparently grandson of Pierre Urbain & Marie (Buchwald) ORGERON,
she being daughter of Serville & Cecile (Demonchet)
BOUGEVALDE/BUCHWALD/spouse: Constance Julienne HENRY]
[death record cites mother of Serville ORGERON was Emma AUTHEMENT not DuPLANTIS,
possibly a first wife of Louis Martial ORGERON or confused record keeping]
7th Ward
Theophile ANGERON aged 35, wife Regina, aged 27, daughter Emily, aged 7, daughter Lillie, aged 5, daughter Mable aged 1 yr. 3 months and Gustave MARIE, Sr., aged 71, father in law and Gustave MARIE, Jr., aged 15, brother in law.
[son of Theophile & Celeste Heloise (LeCompte) ENGERON/spouse
Regina Emedie MARIE, daughter of Gustave J. & Mary Catherine
(Garibotte) MARIE -Mary Catherine went by the alias of ENGERRAN]
Next door:
Philogene ANGERON aged 25 with wife Aurelia, aged 23, daughter Mable, aged 6, daughter ?Edovia, aged 4, son Thadius, aged 2
[son of Louis Marshall/Martial & “Mary” Emma (DuPlantis) ORGERON /spouse Aurelia BOUDREAUX]
Houma, 3rd Ward
Eugene ANGERON, aged 30, with
wife Bridgett, aged 28, son Harry, aged 13, daughter Aimee, aged 11,
daughter Eugenie, aged 8, son Wallis, aged 5, daughter Leontine, aged
3, son Aaron, aged 6 months, and sister Justilia, aged 25.
[see 1900 Theophile ANGERON for placement of Justilia]
[son of Theophile & Celesete Heloise (LeCompte) ANGERON/ Spouse Bridgett Marie RHODES]
[2 doors prior Victoria KING, aged 9 in household of Caleb MATHEWS and Sarah KING, aged 65, widowed 2 more doors prior]
Acadia Parish
Crowley, 6th Ward
Felix OGERON, aged 38, wife Ophelia, aged 26, daughter Elernest, age 6, son Elmer, aged 4 and daughter Eloise, aged 4 months.
[son of Louis Raphael & Alzire Marie Alise (Hebert) ORGERON/spouse: Ophelia TRUMP]
Assumption Parish
May ANGERON, aged 43, widowed,
with daughter Grace, aged 17, son Leonell, aged 15, and son
Roger/Rogue, aged 11, all living in household of H. C. DONSEREAUX, aged 42, May’s brother.
[widow of JosephAlbert, son of Baldeau/Paul Theobald Alex & Marie
Elizabeth (Pellegrin) ANGERON/1st spouse: Amelia unknown; 2nd spouse:
May unknown]
[Lionel Albert ENGERON, b. 1905, d. 1962, Orange, TX, son of Albert & Mary (DANSEREAUX) ENGERON]
Calcasieu Parish
Lake Charles
Winnie ORGERON, aged 24, widowed, and daughter Patti Ann, aged under 1 year, living in household of parents Wm. S. and Katie WHITE.
St. Mary Parish
8th Ward
Octave ORGERON, aged 34, wife Lelia, aged 19, daughter Flossia, aged 10, daughter Amy, aged 7, and daughter Ruth, aged 1 year and 2 months.
[Octave, son of Alexandre Felicien & Madeline (Bourgeois) ORGERON/spouse: ]
Morgan, 1st pct.
Joseph P. ANGERON, aged 50,
wife Ellen, aged 48, son Howard, aged 17, daughter Eunice, aged 15,
daughter Margaret, aged 11 and son Herman, aged 7.
[This is Joseph Philogene AUGERON, son of Jean Alcee & Elizabeth (Eymard) AUGERON/first spouse Marie Philomene LIRETTE]
Gilles ANGERON, aged 30, wife Esther, aged 28, daughter Lois E., aged 4, and son Lloyd, aged 2.
[son of Joseph and Philemon “Ellen” ANGERON-see 1910 Morgan Dist., St. Mary parish]
Next door:
Sylvester ANGERON, aged 24, with wife Mary B., aged 23.
[son of Joseph and Philemon ANGERON-see 1910 Morgan Dist., St. Mary parish]
Berwick, 8th ward
Alfred ANGERON, aged 33, wife
Eva, aged 30, daughter Lorine, aged 11, daughter Ostina, aged 9,
daughter Vivian, aged 6, and son Alfred aged 1 year and 2 months.
[son of Bardon/Baldeau-see Baldeau ANGERON in 1910 and Bardon ANGERON in 1900]
[ Son of “Baldeau” Paul Theobald Alex & Marie Elizabeth (Pelligrin)ENGERON/AUGERAN/ apouse: ]
3 doors prior:
Wilfred ORGERON, aged 32, with wife Eugenie, aged 21, son Wilfred Jr., aged 5, and daughter Aline, aged 1 year 3 months.
[Wilfred Joseph, son of Alexandre Felicien & Madeline (Bourgeois) ORGERON/spouse: Eugenia W. FEDERICK]
Milford ANGERON, aged 29, and wife Augusta, aged 28
[son of Bardon/Baldeau-see Baldeau ANGERON in 1910 and Bardon ANGERON in 1900]
Rose OGERON, aged 30, widowed,
daughter Fadra E., aged 11, daughter Ardise, aged 10, son Louis, aged
8, daughter Velma aged 4, daughter Dorothy, aged 3, and son Charles
aged 7 months.
[Rose nee DUAY, widow of Charles Adolph ORGERON, see 1910 entry St. Mary Parish]
33, wie Leila, aged 30, and Elita, aged 8, Jarville, aged 6 and Anna
Lee, aged 5, step children of Edward and Marie, aged 2 and Rose Mary, 7
months, children of Edward as well as brother Anatole, aged 49, single.
[Leila nee GROSS]
[Death reocerds name mother of Charles. Edward amd Mary OGERON was Mary VINING, not DuPLANTIS or AUTHEMENT]
Jefferson Parish
Gretna, 3rd Ward
Davis ENGERON. aged 60, wife
Adeline, aged 50, son Sidney, aged 23, daughter Alida, aged 11,
daughter Loredia, aged 13, son Ulysses, aged 11, daughter Rosina, aged
9, and son ?Whitney, aged 5.
[son of Eugene & Eugenie ENGERON/AUGERON/spouse: Adeline Marie TERREBONNE]
John ORGERON, aged 48 [55],
wife Augustine, aged 52, daughter Donnatel, aged 26, son Norway, aged
19, daughter Nora, aged 16, son Louis, aged 13, daughter Lydia, aged 8,
and son in law, John BELL, aged 24 and daughter Norma BELL, aged 19.
[?John Paul, son of Charles Severin & Evalina (Landre) ORGERON/spouse: Augustine Marie CANTRELL]
Edgar ORGERON, 20, wife marie C., 16.
Lafourche Parish
3rd Ward
Paul ORGERON, aged 31, wife Augustine, aged 34, son Cleopold, aged 13, daughter Annette, aged 12, and daughter Agnes, aged 9.
[Arthur Paul Fortune ORGERON/spouse Augustine Elizabeth SEVIN]
4th Ward
Abel ORGERON, aged 22, wife Celina, aged 24 and daughter Laura, aged 2.
[son of Oville “Voisin” & Camelia Marie (Guidry) ORGERON/spouse: Celina GRIFFIN]
Adolf ORGERON, aged 21, wife Amelia, aged 28, son Earlie, aged 6, son Earvy, aged 4, son Anthony, aged 3.
[Adolphe Gaetan, son of Oville & Camelia Marie (Guidry) ORGERON/spouse: Angelina Ida PERKINS]
Prior house:
Orville ORGERON, aged 57,
widowed, daughter Josephine, aged 13, daughter Girdie, aged 10,
daughter Nellie, aged 9, daughter Gladys, aged 7, daughter Thelma, aged
[son of Adolph & Aimee/Emily (Toups) ORGERON/spouse: Camelia Marie GUIDRY]
Prior house:
Wilfred ORGERON, aged 50, wife
Odelia, aged 50, son Wilfred Jr., aged 30, son Justelien, aged 27,
daughter Odelia, aged 24, daughter Cydonia, aged 20 and daughter
Robella, aged 17.
[Wilfred Achille ORGERON/Adolph & Aimee/Emily (Toups) ORGERON/spouse: Cordelia Marie ADAM]
Antoinne ORGERON, aged 54,
widowed, son Camille, aged 21 [married], daughter Laura, aged 18
[single], grand daughter Viola SAUNDRAS, aged 9, son Elson, aged 23,
with wife Lena, aged 23 and their son Max, aged 1.
[son of Rosamond & Josephine (Loupe) ORGERON/spouse: Azelian ARCENEAUX]
Donat ORGERON, aged 49, wife
Zwomie, aged 37, son Felix, aged 17, daughter Mary, aged 16, daughter
Annette, aged 14, son Charles, aged 12, son Tobe, aged 9, daughter
Enola, aged 6, daughter Girdie, aged 5.
[Louis Donat, son of Charles Severin & Eveline (Landry)
ORGERON/spouse: Zoemie
Edgar ORGERON, aged 48, wife
Clementine, aged 46, son Colin, aged 14, son Eugene, aged 12, son
Octave, aged 10, daughter Elianor, aged 8, and daughter Marie, aged 5.
[son of Paul & Celina (Guidry) ORGERON/spouse: was Louise Magnolia BARRILLEAUX]
Edgar ORGERON, aged 35,
widowed, daughter Bertha, aged 17, son Edwin, aged 15, son Enaire, aged
12, daughter Ella, aged 10, son Eddie, aged 8, daughter Edith,
aged 6.
[son of Anton & Azelian ARCENEAUX/spouse was Martalia SANDRRAS]
Emile ORGERON, aged 45, wife Celina, aged 40, and son John, aged 5.
[Joseph Emile, son of Louis Raphael & Alzire Marie (Hebert) ORGERON/spouse: ]
Ernest ORGERON, aged 43, wife
Eliza, aged 32, son Roosevelt, aged 18, daughter Celima, aged 16,
son Ernest, aged 13, daughter Erma, aged 10, son Vicknair, aged 6, son
McNair, aged 3, and daughter Eula, aged 9 months.
[Jean Ernest, son of Adolphe & Marceline (Plaisance) ORGERON/spouse: Elisa GAUTREAUX]
5 doors down:
Leila ORGERON, aged 64, single, listed as Aunt in household of Pierre and Ermina VERRETT.
Hamilton ORGERON, aged 19, wife Virginia, aged 20, and son Hamilton, aged 1.
1 door down:
Joseph ORGERON, aged 45, wife
Marie, aged 35, daughter Maggie, aged 16, son Edward, aged 14, son
Norman, aged 12, son Freddie, aged 9, son Sidney, aged 6, son Whitney,
aged 6, daughter Bertha, aged 4, son Clovis, aged 11 months.
[Louis Joseph, son of Theodore Oleus “Oliver” & Adele BADAUX/spouse Josephine Marie LOUPE]
Leon ORGERON, aged 39, wife
Emma, aged 30, son Forest, aged 8, son Dudley, aged 6, son Eldon, aged
4, daughter Norma, aged 3, and daughter Mabel, aged 2.
[son of Wilfred & Cordelia/Delia (Adam) ORGERON/spouse: Emma Marie PLAISANCE]
7th Ward
Hypolite ORGERON, aged 23, wife Amanda, aged 23, and daughter Mabel, aged 1.
[son of Louis (son of Paul & Celina (Guedry) ORGERON) and Julia (Griffin) ORGERON]
Louis J. [misindexed as B.] ORGERON, aged 15, with mother Louisa ORGERON, aged 52, widowed.
[son of Louis (son of Paul & Celina (Guedry) ORGERON), and Julia (Griffin) ORGERON]
[indexed as Black, but page notes both are White]
9th Ward
Albert B. ORGERON, aged 26, wife Judith, aged 23, son Alex, aged 6, daughter Vernice, aged 4, daughter Eula, aged 2.
[son of Joachim & Lillie Madeline (Savoie) ORGERON/spouse; ]
1 door down:
Antoine ORGERON, aged 47,
widowed, son Willie, aged 17, daughter Elmire, aged 14, son Wilson,
aged 13, son Harris, aged 19, daughter Inez, aged 7, ?daughter [or
sister] Leona, aged 43, ?daughter [or sister] Anita, aged 25.
[son of Searphin & Elmire (Cantrell) ORGERON/ spouse was Pauline HARTMAN]
1 door down:
Joachim ORGERON, aged 38, wife
Lelia, aged 32, son Sidney, aged 18, son Whitney, aged 16, daughter
Nora, aged 11, son Francis, aged 9, daughter Alma, aged 7, daughter
Leonicia, aged 5, and twin daughters Ella and Estella, aged 2.
[son of Seraphin & Elmire (Cantrell) ORGERON/ spouse Lilie Madeline SAVOIE]
Next door:
Seraphin ORGERON, aged 67or 77, widowed, with daughter Edna, aged 28.
[son of Rosamond & Rosaline (Loupe) ORGERON]
Alidore ORGERON, aged 36, wife
Affalia J., aged 31, daughter Octavia, aged 15, son Edward J., aged 13,
son Alidore, Jr., aged 11, son Renet, aged 9, son Louis, aged 7,
daughter Bella, aged 5, daughter Egnela, aged 3, and daughter Esther,
aged 3 months.
[pobable son of Lingert/Samhurd (Cernegese) & Laura (Guidroz) ORGERON/spouse: ]
[compare names of children to Richard & Enacia ORGERON below next entry]
Clovis ORGERON, aged 40, wife
Ellana, aged 26, daughter Alma, aged 14, son Claude, aged 7, son Rorie,
aged 6, son Chester, aged 4, son Raphael, aged 1.
[Clovis Josephe, son of Louis Raphael & Alzire (Hebert) ORGERON/2nd spouse: Hellen TROSCLAIR]
3 doors down:
Richard ORGERON, aged 39, wife,
Enacia, aged 33, daughter Abyss, aged 17, daughter Octavia, aged 14,
daughter Stella, aged 13, son Alidor, aged 11, daughter Leona, aged 7,
son Samson, aged 6, son Sylvest, aged 4, son Gilles, aged 4 months.
[son of Lingert/Samhurd (Cernegese) & Laura (Guidroz) ORGERON/spouse: ]
Joseph ORGERON, aged 38, wife
Eada, aged 35, son Wiltz, aged 16, daughter Ida, aged 10, daughter
Matilde, aged 6, son Oval, aged 4, and daughter Bertha, aged 1.
Justilien P. ORGERON, aged 46,
wife Sesler, aged 41, son Percy, aged 14, son Joseph, aged 13, son
Severin, aged 11, daughter Brigette, aged 9, son Irve, aged 7, daughter
May, aged 5, with brother in law, ?Robert ?HARRIS, aged 33, and sister
in law Louise ?HARRIS, aged 43
Joachim “Justilien” ORGERON, son of Theodore Olesu “Oliver” & Adele (Badaux) ORGERON/ spouse: Marie GUIDRY]
Prior house:
Onezie ORGERON, aged 43,
widowed, with daughter Aggie, aged 15, daughter Moella, aged 13,
daughter Lucille, aged 11, son Elwin, aged 7, and daughter Leonicia,
aged 2.
[son of Seraphin & Emile (Cantrell) ORGERON/Spouse was Marie CHAISSON]
Seraphin J. ORGERON, aged 51,
wife Cecelia, aged 46, daughter Ella, aged 23, daughter Cecelia, aged
21, son Robert, aged 19, son Oneil, aged 17, son Odricie, aged 15,
daughter Lucy, aged 13, daughter Emeline, aged 11, son Alec, aged 9,
daughter Claudia, aged 7, son Lee, aged 4, and son Anatole, aged 2.
[son of Seraphin & Emile (Cantrell) ORGERON/ spouse Cecelia GAUTREAUX]
10th Ward
Alidore ORGERON, aged 61, wife
Eve, aged 56, mother Avalina, aged 84, widowed, son Augustin, aged 20,
daughter Aline, aged 15, son Justilien, aged 13, and daughter Valerie,
aged 11.
[ son of Charles Severin & Eveline Marie (Landry) ORGERON; spouse Eve Louise PREJEAN]
Arthur ORGERON, aged 33, wife
Emelie, aged 31, son Arthur, Jr., aged 14, son Enos, aged 10, daughter
Georgann, aged 7, son Benton, aged 5, daughter Vergie, aged 2, daughter
Julia, aged 9 months and sister Maggie, aged 13.
Joseph A. ORGERON, aged 28,
wife ?Racheld L., aged 27, son Eness, aged 7, daughter Emeldia, aged 5,
daughter Enola aged 1, and sister in law, Augusta LEDET.
Justilien ORGERON, aged 27, wife Augusta M., aged 22, daughter Magie, aged 6, daughter Frances, aged 4, and daughter Marie, aged 2.
[son of Oville Jultillien & Amanda (Bourvier) ORGERON/spouse: ]
Manda ORGERON, aged 55, widowed, with son Alphonse, aged 18, and daughter Marie, aged 16.
[Widow of Oville Justilien AUGERON/ORGERON/nee Amanda Marie BOUVIER]
Joseph ORGERON, 38, wie Roblia, 36, children, Juan, 12, Noles, 5, and Bertha, 2.
10th Ward
Lawless ORGERON, aged 9, and Victoria ORGERON, aged 8, step children of Fortinier and Celestine LeBLANC.
[children of Pierre & Celestine (Sevin) ORGERON]
[next household has orphan Leo KING, aged 11]
4 houses down:
Leon J. ORGERON, aged 39, wife
Julia, aged 36, daughter Eugenie, aged 11, daughter Jeanne, aged 8, son
Leon, Jr., aged 6, son Azina, aged 3, and mother in law, Angela MAYET,
aged 70, widowed.
[Leon Jean ORGERON, son of Theodore Oleus “Oliver” &
Adele (Badeaux) ORGERON/ spouse: Eugenie Marie MAYET.]
Leon L. ORGERON, aged 59, wife Josephine, aged 56, daughter Ernestine, aged 16, daughter Melerie MARTIN, aged 25, widowed and her daughter Gertrude MARTIN, aged 4, and son Claude MARTIN, aged 1.
[Leo ORGERON, son of Rosamond & Rosaline (Loupe) ORGERON/ spouse: Josephine ALLEMAN.]
Melina ORGERON, aged 39, widowed, son Rousel, aged 13, son Wilson, aged 12, and son Whitney, aged 8.
[widow of Adolphe Wilfrite/Wilfred, son of Jean Bpte. Adolphe & Marceline (Plaisance) ORGERON/nee Melina GAUTRAUX]
Adolph ENGERAN, aged 21, listed female and divorced in household of Mr. Albert ?LASSOUGN.
Orleans Parish
New Orleans
5th Ward
Dorris ORGERON, aged 2, niece living in household of Alfred R. and Odilia BIENVENUE.
[Albert Ray BIENVENUE and wife Olive Marthe LAPEYROUSE, married 1915 at Houma]
next door:
Benjamin GUEDRY, aged 36, wife Marie, aged 35, Anna, aged 10, Marie, aged 9, Benjamin Jr., aged 7, Norman LAPEEYROUSE aged 19 and Russel LAPEYROUSE, aged 11, the later are brother in laws]
[ Norman and Russel brothers of Margaret LAPEYROUSE]
[See Archie ORGERON and spouse Margaret LAPEYROUSE ]
10th Ward
Eugene ENGERON, aged 28, wife Natalie, aged 21, son Gordon, aged 4, and daughter Hilder, aged 1; also in household is Eva SMITH, aged 49, listed as mother, as well as Emma SMITH, aged 25 listed as daughter of Eva, and Bernice SMITH, daughter of Emma.
[Son of Charles & Eva Marie (Smith) ENGERON/ Charles is son of Alcey Jean & Desire Elizabeth (Eymard) ENGERON]
St. Mary Parish
8th Ward
Octave ORGERON. aged 34, wife Lelia, aged 19, daughter Flavia, aged 10, daughter, Amy, aged 7, and daughter Ruth, aged 1.
[Octave ORGERON, son of Alexandre Felicien & Madeline (Bourgeois)
Wilfred ORGERON, aged 32, wife Eugenie, aged 21, son Wilfred Jr., aged 5 and daughter Aline, aged 1.
[Wilfred Joseph ORGERON, son of Alexander Felicien & Marie Marie Madeline (Bourgeois) ORGERON/spouse Eugenia FREDERICK]
[NOTE: Wilfred Joseph, Jr., aged 5 above, died in 1976 boat explosion out of Galveston, TX]
3 doors down:
Alfred ANGERON, aged 33,
wife Eva, aged 30, daughter Lorine, aged 11, daugther
Ostina, aged 9, daughter Vivian, aged 6, and son Alfred, aged 1.
[son of Paul Theobald "Baldeau/Bardon" & Marie Elizabeth (Pelligrin) ANGERON]
Milford ANGERON, aged 29, wife, Augusta, aged 28.
[son of Baldeau/Paul Theobald Alex & Marie Elizabeth (Pellegrin)
ANGERON/spouse: ]
1st Precinct
Joseph P. ANGERON, aged
50, wife Ellen, aged 48, son Howard, aged 17, daughter
Eunice, aged 15, daughter Margaret, aged 11, son Herman, aged 7.
[This is Joseph Philogene AUGERON, son of Jean Alcee & Elizabeth (Eymard)
AUGERON/spouse Marie Philomene LIRETTE]
Gilles ANGERON, aged 30, wife Esther, aged 28, daughter Lois, aged 4, and son Lloyd, aged 2.
[son of Joseph Philogene & Elizabeth (Eymard) AUGERON]
next door:
Sylvester ANGERON, aged 24 and spouse Mary B., aged 23.
[son of Joseph Philogene & Elizabeth (Eymard) AUGERON]
Terrebonne Parish
Harry ENGERON, aged 23, wife Mustelia, aged 20, and son Wilbert aged 1 year and 3 months.
[son of Eugene & Bridgett Marie (Rhodes) ENGERON/AUGERON]
aged 44, Regina M., aged 37, daughter Emmy, aged 17, daughter Lillie,
aged 15, daughter Mabel, aged 15, son Junius, aged 8, son Oreil, aged
6, son Gillian, aged 4, daughter Leona, aged 1.
[son of Theophile & Celeste Heloise (LeCompte) ENGERON/spouse
Regina Emedie MARIE, daughter of Gustave J. & Mary Catherine
(Garibotte) MARIE -Mary Catherine went by the alias of ENGERRAN]
aged 38, widowed, daughter Mabel, aged 17, daughter Edosia, aged 13,
son Thaddeus, aged 11, daughter Edith, aged 9, son Verges, aged 6, son
Lloyd, aged 2, and Emma DERISE/DESIE, aged 76, listed mother and widowed.
[Emma (DuPlantis) ORGERON/DERISE??]
[son of Louis Marshall/Martial & “Mary” Emma
(DuPlantis) ORGERON; brother of Serville and antoher grandson of Pierre
Urbain & Marie (Buchwald) ORGERON/spouse was Aurelia BOUDREAUX]
Emma ENGERSON/ENGERON, aged 24, and son Lloyd ENGERSON/ENGERON, aged 3, living with Emma’s parents Edwin and Lucinda CHAISSON, ?second spouse of Philogene J. ENGERON.
[next door to John and Dora KING family]
Serville ORGERON, aged 49, wife Julian, aged 45, and son Acey, aged 22.
[son of Louis Marshall/Martial and “Mary” Emma (DuPlantis)
ORGERON; apparently grandson of Pierre Urbain & Marie (Buchwald)
ORGERON, she being daughter of Serville & Cecile (Demonchet)
BOUGEVALDE/BUCHWALD/spouse: Constance Julienne HENRY]
[death record cites mother of Serville ORGERON was Emma AUTHEMENT not DuPLANTIS,
possibly a first wife of Louis Martial ORGERON or confused record keeping]
Eugene ENGERAN, 38, with wife
Bridget, aged 39. Son Wallace, aged 15, daughter Leontine, aged 12, son
Aaron, aged 10, daughter Pearlie, aged 7, son Ivy, aged 4.
[son of Theophile & Celeste Heloise (LeCompte) ANGERON/ Spouse Bridgett Marie RHODES]
Alfred ENGERAN, aged 29. Wife
Tarzille, aged 24, son Clifton, aged 8, daughter Celeste age 7.
Daughter Aggie, aged 3, daughter Frances, aged 1 year 9 months, sister
Justilia, aged 37 [single] and father Theophile, aged 73 [widowed].
[son of Theophile & Celeste Heloise (LeCompte) ANGERON/ Tarzille THIBODEAUX]]
Washington Parish
Charles ENGERSON/ENGERON, aged 51, and Claude ENGERSON/ENGERON, aged 31, listed as brothers in household of J. R. and Lucille DASPIT.
[sons of Alfred & Marie Odilla (Breaux) AUGERON/ENGERON]
State of TEXAS
Harris county
Joe ORGERON, 47, wife Ezola, 37, children Dalton, 18, Emil, 16, Clarence, 14 and Octavia aged 8.
[Son of Alexander Hypolite & Madeline Marie (BOURGEOUIS) AUGERON]
Jefferson county
Eva ORGERON, 44, Adam, aged 42, sister Nathilde, aged 41, and niece Augusta, aged 10
Port Arthur
Camile ORGERON, 35, Stella, 27, Marjorie aged 6 and Eugene, infant.
[Camile R. ORGERON, b. 1884, LA, d. 1964, Pt. Arthur, TX, son of Louis Raphael "Ralph" and Alzire (HEBERT) ORGERON
Marriages in TEXAS
Octavia ORGERON, md. James E. COOK, 1911 at Houston
E. J. ORGERON, md. Bessie Lee SIKES, 1922
D. J. ORGERON, md. Vera STEVENS, 1924 at Houston
May Marion ORGERON, md. Guy William STEDMAN, 1926 at Houston
C. A. ORGERON, md. Ruby SMALL, 1927
Jeffferson Parish
4th Ward
Servule (Serville) ORGERON,
aged 58, wife Julian, aged 53, son Acy, aged 32, daughter in law
Neomie, aged 28, grdau Virginia, aged 6, grson Robert, aged 3, and
Raymond NOCKHAN, aged 20 & Linsay DORMAN, aged 20.
[son of Louis Marshall/Martial and “Mary” Emma (DuPlantis)
ORGERON; apparently grandson of Pierre Urbain & Marie (Buchwald)
ORGERON, she being daughter of Serville & Cecile (Demonchet)
BOUGEVALDE/BUCHWALD/spouse: Constance Julienne HENRY]
[death record cites mother of Serville ORGERON was Emma AUTHEMENT not DuPLANTIS,
possibly a first wife of Louis Martial ORGERON or confused record keeping]
St Mary Parish
Edward OGERON,
44, wife Lilia, 39, Jarville, 17, Annie Lee, 14, stepchildren and Mary,
12, Rose Mary, 10, Gertrude, 8, Hardy, aged 3, children of
Edward, brother An atole, aged 60 and Grac MURRY, 35, brother in law.
[Charles Hardy OGERON, b. 1827, died, 1976, Houston, TX, son of Edward and Leila (Gross ORGERON]
6th Ward
James HANSON, 29, Rose HANSON 42, Louis ORGERON*, 18, Velma, ORGERON*, 14, Dorothy ORGERON*, 13, Charles ORGERON, 11, Dexter HANSON, 6 and Jane HANSON, aged 5.
[Widow and children of Charles ORGERON, brother od Edward OGERON above]
[*notes born in Texas on census]
Walworth ORGERON, b. 1911, died 1958, Nederland, TX, buried Berwick,
LA, son of Charles Adolph and Rose (DUAY) ORGERON;
Dorothy ORGERON, born 1916, Port Arthur, TX. dau of Charles Adolph and Rose (DUAY) ORGERON]
[Death reocerds name mother of Charles. Edward amd Mary OGERON was Mary VINING, not DuPLANTIS or AUTHEMENT]
State of TEXAS
Harris county
Ezola (BARRAS) ORGERON, 49, children Clarence, 28, and wife Ruby (SMALL), Dalton, 29, Octabvia aged 19 and Emile , aged 27 with wife Bessie (SIKES) and family, Bessie, Nora Lee, Emile J.
[Widow of Joe ORGERON, son of Alexander & Madeline Marie (BOURGEOUIS) AUGERON]
Jefferson county
Emile ORGERON, 53, wife Edolie (THERIOT), aged 51, children Alvin, aged 19, Robert/Roger, aged 18, George, aged 11,and Viola aged 17.
Port Arthur
Camile ORGERON, 44, wife Stella, 36, Marjorie aged 16 and Eugene, 10 and Edward, aged 6.
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